Revolutionary round up
• As we all know, the administration of oil execs — W, Condy,
Dick et al- went to war because of WMDs. Oops, I mean Iraqis’ freedom.
Er... regime change?! Well it’s not about the oil, anyway. Honest.
So be sure to pay no attention to the pipeline being
built across Kuwait to get oil out of the US colony of Iraq.
• Bad news for those who take what US right wing televangelist Pat Robertson
says as Gospel: Robertson says Dubbya’s
a sure win for the November election. Why’s he so confident? God told him,
of course!
• Further gains have been made for the Bush cabinet pension scheme. That
paragon of peace Donald Rumsfeld has created a firm for all your war and post-war
needs, called RummyCo.
• Describing reasons for going to war in Iraq as "lies worthy of Dr.
Goebbels" US Army veteran Eric
Margolis notes that these lies and the endless propaganda "were packaged
in the best tradition of Soviet agitprop as news, then force- fed by a servile
media to an ill-informed public shockingly deficient in any sense of history,
geography, or foreign affairs."
• Finally for a revealing look at the Bush administration’s failure to prevent
911, is
worth checking out.