Things you don’t need to know
at Canned Revolution headquarters we’ve been inundated with hundreds of lurid,
intriguing tales of weird sightings, unsolved deaths and missing people and
This is the sort of stuff that never makes it into the daily news because it’s just too darn unbelievabale, or at least that’s the way the government encourages news editors to think. So it has fallen upon to shed some light on some of the mysterious, murky goings on we’ve been witness to in the last few years.
Prepare yourself, it’s no easy read — no Jackie Collins — here you’ll learn all about the curtailed life of Harry Johnson, the secrets lurking in the gaudy interior of the Tiki Lounge, or how Juanita Brown’s face came to be on a milk carton. This material is top secret, never before released and promises to raise serious questions. Read on...