And all I got was a T-shirt
it could have been worse... at least it was free and noone put me
up against the wall.
And in that spirit we here at Canned Revolution are ready to give away our T-shirts for free!
Yes, people: you heard right! Free shirts. All you have to do is answer the questions on the next page and then you too can join the revolution, and get a shirt.
What’s that I hear, citizen? What do these shirts look like? Well they come in three different flavours: Lying, Gun and Fist and in Xtra Small (for the lithe young lady revolutionary), Small, Medium, Large & XL. Fist also comes in a long-sleeved version, in Large and XL. Slide on over to our Consume section for a glimpse of the objects of desire.
Or better still enter the Contest now, by clicking the next button!