Psst, don’t tell the Warren Commission, but...
Mr. X!
This is one guy who can definitely remember where he was and what he was doing on November 22nd 1963 when President Kennedy was shot. Why’s that? Because he was behind a Mannlicher-Carcano on the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza!
Yes, that’s right — while other sites merely offer speculation and controvertible evidence about the existence of a second gunman, we offer you a date with the guy himself. Hear what really happened that day up on the grassy knoll straight from the horse’s mouth.
Mr. X is a man of many parts. An expert marksman, ex-military man and highly-trained assassin, his hobbies include target shooting, hunting and needlepoint. After the Dealey job, he had enough money to go into retirement, and he persued his life-long dream by moving to Las Vegas and becoming a full-time Elvis impersonator.
He’s been keeping out of the news for a while, but now he’s back (and to the left). And we’ve got him to sign up with us for this once in a lifetime offer: a date with one of the few men left who really knows who killed JFK and why. Dinner, dancing and access to the sort of information that you can dine out on for years (as long as the "mysterious heart attack" doesn’t get you first).
So come on — enter the competition today!
It’s easy and fun: simply answer all the questions correctly, fill in the tiebreaker question and click submit!