House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger
Publishers have enjoyed a boom of anti-Bush books since the unexpected
success of “Stupid White Men”, Michael Moore’s bestseller.
At Canned Revolution, we have sifted through the majority of them and for the best ‘big picture’ look at why we find ourselves in the present predicament with the War on Terror™, look no further than Craig Unger’s ‘House of Bush, House of Saud The secret relationship between the world’s two most powerful dynasties’.By the end of this well structured, massively researched book that takes us right back to Bush Snr’s first fliratations with the Saudis, I was enraged such was the obvious scandal and collusion going on in Washington.
Written with pace, Unger takes us on all the key friendships between the Saudi royal family and the Bush cabal that has seen at least $1.4bn pour into the latter’s fat bank account. The Saudis nurtured key friendships in the US to help its own security they struck gold with the Bushes, who in the wake of 9/11 ensured that 140 top Saudis were permitted to fly out of the US, even though all private flights were grounded at the time.
What this book shows in stark reality is that by bending over backwards to support the Saudis at every turn, the US is responsible for the rise of Islamic fundamental terrorism. This book is a must read to fully comprehend the endemic corruption that the Saudis have brought to US politics. The Saudi tentacles reach far into this administration and more needs to be done to highlight the wayward friendships that Bush and Co have with the archaic desert kingdom.
The g ood subversives among you will be gratified to know that this explosive read has been banned in the UK.